Macquarie University: 2019 Apr 17-18 SQL Software Carpentry: Jargon Busting

Jargon Busting

This exercise is an opportunity to begin to ask questions and to get a firmer grasp on the concepts around data, code, databases, or research software development.

  1. Pair with a neighbor and decide who will take notes.
  2. Talk for 3 minutes (your instructor will be timing you!) on any terms, phrases, or ideas around code, research software development, or databases that you’ve come across and perhaps feel you should know better.
  3. Next, get into groups of 4-6.
  4. Make a list of all the problematic terms, phrases, and ideas each pair came up with. Retain duplicates.
  5. Identify common words as a starting point - spend 10 minutes working together to try to explain what the terms, phrases, or ideas on your list mean. Note: use both each other and the internet as a resource.
  6. Identify the terms your groups resolves as well as those you are still struggling with.
  7. Each group then reports back on one issue resolved by their group and one issue not resolved by their group.
  8. The instructor will collate these on a whiteboard and facilitate a discussion about what we will cover today and where you can go for help on those things we won’t cover. Any jargon or terms that will not be covered specifically are good notes.