Wrap-Up and Homework for Tomorrow


Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 5 min
  • What have we learned today?

  • What needs to be done to prepare for tomorrow?

  • Describe overnight homework.

  • Produce a paragraph, drawing, or diagram that summarizes what was taught today.


Read about centrally-organized and self-organized workshops and our checklists for running workshops. These summarize commonly asked questions about organizing and running workshops. When you arrive tomorrow, we will ask you to add one question about our operations to a list. We will then do our best to answer all of those questions during the day.


The Trainer(s) will ask for feedback on the day in some form.

This exercise should take 5 minutes.

Reflecting on the Day

Before we wrap up for the day, take 5 minutes to think over everything we covered today. On a piece of paper, write down something that captures what you want to remember about the day. The Trainers won’t look at this - it’s just for you.

If you don’t know where to start, consider the following list for a starting point:

  • draw a concept map, connecting the material
  • draw pictures or a comic depicting one of the day’s concepts
  • write an outline of the topics we covered
  • write a paragraph or “journal” entry about your experience of the training today
  • write down one thing that struck you the most

This exercise should take about 10 minutes.

Key Points